Tranquil Minimalist ‘Flying House’ Built For A Pilot Will Calm Your Soul


IROJE KHM Architects has constructed an avant-garde, eye-catching ‘Flying House’ for a pilot and his family near Incheon Airport in South Korea.

Its façade balances modern architecture with traditional Korean elements, such as the heating stone system in the living room. Large windows bathe the interiors with natural light, and tie in well with the green aesthetics of the home. Its garden wraps around the home’s perimeter, extending from the courtyard up to the roof.

According to Arch Daily, the architects had to overcome the tight construction budget for such a build. One solution was leaving the concrete frameworks and walls exposed, so as to cut construction costs and provide a simplistic interior space.

View images of the ‘Flying House’ photographed by Sergio Pirrone below.








[via Arch Daily, images by Sergio Pirrone]

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